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Eye: Karin Radstake
We've opened our eyes
Oil on wood
Story of Karin:
For as long as I can remember, I've felt a poisonous program running in the background. A program that is much bigger than we can imagine, much more toxic, and much more threatening to us as humanity. Also, for as long as I live, I feel that this is going to be revealed. The only question was; when?
When 9/11 happened I knew; it was going to happen now. When Mark Rutte spoke about "the new normal" it was clear to me how far the revelation has come. The plan, the agenda, and their purpose with humanity.
I've been sick of it, I feel varyingly strong, sad, defeated, and strong again.
What I find most disappointing is the laziness of a large part of our population. They don't want to open their eyes, they just don't want to see what the big picture is.
We are now working on setting up a nice society, in which things can go the way we wish. With respect for everything that lives, and apart from the matrix in which the elite think they have put us.
I have a bright future ahead, as I know that ultimately only we ourselves, determine our world. No one else can dictate the laws to us, no matter how hard they try.
I am still looking for more eyes to paint, so are you interested in participating 👇🏼