Debbie_Vervoort Eye: Maren Helmus We've opened our eyes Oil on wood 20x20cm Story of Maren: Our eyes If we didn't have our eyes, we would do everything by feeling. Why do we have eyes? To see… really seeing someone as they are… isn't that feeling how someone really feels? Sayings like: "Don't believe everything you see"...and "Love makes blind" exist because we do not want or cannot see something? Hypnoses, smoke screens, and fog are created, so we don't see anything. So if we can't see anything, we automatically change our perspective into feeling. If you just rely on your own feelings, doesn't the awakening begin? When will we see the truth? In ourselves in others? The eyes mirror the soul because they reflect what you feel. They project your truth, so you shine your own reality. The awakening, therefore, has nothing to do with another person, but yourself, who feels and sees that something is not correct.
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